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-:::Eventual Uni war v Grumpy :::-



  • Cobras DW was solid.It had as much defence as any turtle and was able to grab any DW on the game st the time. Just happens jester made a crap kd and decided to mass to try and stop the best DW of the round. Was cobras the best DW but he was head and shoulders above all dws this round.
    he didnt have as much D as all the turtles though, he had alot less than some but alot more than Jester. Jesters kd was trash though your right.
  • Cobras DW was solid.It had as much defence as any turtle and was able to grab any DW on the game st the time. Just happens jester made a crap kd and decided to mass to try and stop the best DW of the round. Was cobras the best DW but he was head and shoulders above all dws this round.
    If your going to support your friends kd, atleast dont lie about it. He has nowhere near the defence of the well built turtles ill tell you that. I know that because jester at the time he grabbed cobras didnt even have 50% of the military to break me.

    However Cobras KD probably was the best DW i saw this round, it was definatly the most rounded well defended DW out of the bunch.

  • Id like to vote for Rons DW since i know it will end up being the best.
  • I'll be honest with you guys, i've seen more "trash" kingdoms this round than almost any past.

    I've seen both Jesters and Cobras make monsters or near monsters. The round clay finished rank 1 his kingdom was a monster he was 1 WLing #2-10 to get land lead with just tanks and nobody could touch him. A round or two ago he had a monster terra that was pretty good. Then there were a few other really good kingdoms he put together but mostly jester dies in the first week or so in war and can't develop his kingdoms long enough.

    Cobras has made a few monsters as well, the round where Lyn took over striptease cobras had an excellent mysti would he of ranked first that round? Probably not as lyn had a lock on a popfarm and the other als weren't going to mess with him and I didn't want to mess with him because of helping to kill him a round or two before and felt he deserved to be left alone. But the mysti was boss was hitting the top 5 besides lynog like they were nothing had top offense at the time and had 1 hour return times lol. Cobras also had a few beast top 10s past that point but most of them were multi'd down or people like hg, 619 decided to roll him out of newb in payback for cobras "ruining" their alliance when it wasn't cobras at all tbh.

    Cobras when he actually has time is a top 10 builder easily I believe, especially on a mysti i've seen him boss 3 mystis that were pretty hardcore. Jester I feel like is also a top 10 builder if you give him time and hes not trying to build a lol dw to die in the first war. I think something that most people overlook is that when most people get on a dw they aren't trying to grow one to rock the round long term (meadows and also cobras goes into this group with lynog jones etc). They are mostly trying to just cause a shitstorm and die in the early goings (Jester, ron, dave, myself when i play dw). Most people will read this and be like lol whatever damdred and thats fine just an honest analysis of both of what i've seen of them playing the last 10 rounds+ since i've been back.
  • Sure I had the #2 or something account when Lynog had striptease and dont remember some mystical rolling everyone?

    I am thinking the same round arent I carl? When I killed myself in the last day by rolling that other top 5 guy that was an AL 9x until he KTed me
  • I killed you that round qwj the guy you kept rolling was no where leadership he was just bitching and complaining.

    And yea cobras was rolling everyone, besides the scouse and meadows as that was his bank I believe. He rolled puppy a couple of times then we hit the month and a half war.
  • I killed you that round qwj the guy you kept rolling was no where leadership he was just bitching and complaining.

    And yea cobras was rolling everyone, besides the scouse and meadows as that was his bank I believe. He rolled puppy a couple of times then we hit the month and a half war.
    yeah was this round, Dan got a kd after Cobras was gone, that was defo the best Cobras KD i have seen him make by a longshot, all my teaching payed off:P

    i heard about Jester making some solid KDs the past few round which is all well and good, but when it mattered and there was atleast some solid players playing regular i never seen him anything above the top 30 at anytime in a round. I was expecting alot more from him this round from the good things i have heard tbh but he never delivered, Cobras wasnt great this round either but i could see where that kd was headed (for a short while anyway) and it would of been a top 10 kd. Defo not his best work though especially for a DW.
  • edited January 2014
    Ian, you must not have gotten the memo, all kingdoms are trash when you talk about them on the pfs

    gg gtfo
  • A lot of trolling going on
  • At the time cobras got broke he was nearly a 40k DW SL 3 WL break. Mind u this is 3+ days ago. At that time 6 of the top 10 had less or the same defence as him but they was grumpy so none of them had to worry about anti turtles breaking them. Only a couple in the top actually had good defence most was just exploring. Flazer and lycka was both well defended.
  • Dw nap turtles gg

    Dw on dw smackfest dw gg
  • my dad's kd could beat up your dad's kd
  • Enemy is legendary!
  • I killed you that round qwj the guy you kept rolling was no where leadership he was just bitching and complaining.

    And yea cobras was rolling everyone, besides the scouse and meadows as that was his bank I believe. He rolled puppy a couple of times then we hit the month and a half war.
    Im not surprised, he was top 5 and I hit him 9x :)) pretty fun end to the round.

    If you arent going to be #1 might aswel go out with a bang, #2 is the first of the losers :)
  • i try to go out with a bang even when i am #1
  • like farming robtomo for like 40k of his land intra-alliance
  • like farming robtomo for like 40k of his land intra-alliance
    a kd he paid for i take it
  • ill give you a wet cabbage for your kd arson
  • I killed you that round qwj the guy you kept rolling was no where leadership he was just bitching and complaining.

    And yea cobras was rolling everyone, besides the scouse and meadows as that was his bank I believe. He rolled puppy a couple of times then we hit the month and a half war.
    Im not surprised, he was top 5 and I hit him 9x :)) pretty fun end to the round.

    If you arent going to be #1 might aswel go out with a bang, #2 is the first of the losers :)
    i'll be honest with you qwj i loved that you kept hitting him he gave me such a hard time that round glad that you railed him
  • ill give you a wet cabbage for your kd arson
  • Pretty sure I have the best DW.
  • I have the best DW...wait....i went mysti..
  • I have the best DW. And TF. And ML. And OC. And MO.
  • fezzik aint that good kd ;)
  • I have the best Shadowlands, I beat all ya muddafackas
  • Remember guys, when posting in the pfs, we only refer to all kingdoms as "garbage" and "trash". "Rubbish" is also acceptable for our scouser pals.
  • Let me try cory your kingdom is rubbish
  • edited January 2014
    Let me try cory your kingdom is rubbish
    Damred, your kingdom is/was trash!

    See how easy it is guys!
    You are a garbage AL!
  • Now, repeat these trends for the next 10-12 years and you will find yourself in a great community.
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