I have used very few, but Dole's post in the other thread made me think that a few of you will have 50+ names. List up (no limit) some of your favorites.
My normal handle is Icylands xKTx, I have also used:
xKTx Icylands
God of Sex xKTx
Solid Snake xKTx
Solid Snake
That is all I can think of for now, and since I deleted all my old SK stuff, that is probably all I will remember.
Hells Garden
House of Lannister
I had alot more but don't remember any of the names i used 10 years ago
I never save anything and I can't remember anything for shit. Ask me who the #1 alliance was 2 rounds ago and I draw a blank. Maybe I should start keeping track of all the stats....naaah
liked iroh idk what else
I'm sure there are plenty more.
Anomander Rake - Awesome guy
New Orleans Saints - Awesome team
Swift and Bold - Motto of a friends platoon who was killed in Afghanistan
Speaking of KD names. Has anyone noticed certain names cant be used. For example I am a big FF VII fan and tried to use Sephiroth in the past and you simply cant. It says name taken every round even when it isnt.
Seems like bcart forgot to clear the kd names table one round or some shit.
Only one i ever use when i want to die
And flazers right u need to put additional spaces when trying to use the same kd name
Like I said though I am 90% sure I have copied old names before without extra spaces.
Back in the day I did Kingdom Of Heaven
Lately been using whatever the group theme
FUnCaKe YOgUrt (reading the capital letters)
Z3dO7 3IPP3 (my name upside down)
Duloc (my highest archive)
My first ever kd was called Empire of Darkness. Shows how young I was lol
Casey Jones
theres more but i dunno lol
My Alesso was better than yours though