so ive been actually reading the top 10 player of sk history thread and i found myself having a good laugh
some of the people named are currently playing and its a wonder how they made people's lists at all
tankwolf - Matter of Trust (1:11) Networth: 287,303 (36)
FTB - Latest Round Ever (1:11) (Deleted for doing poorly)
kes - Silin Blath (1:12) Networth: 215,178 (155)
i mean is this how bad people need to be to be remembered?
this is fucking atrocious
fix your top 10 lists picks if you want to be taken serious in future
As for any and all others. Just because someone isn't doing well this round (so far) doesn't mean they haven't contributed massively to this game and/or played with brilliance and consistency for many years.
Keep in mind, neg, that in the grand scheme of SK, you're just a newbie that wasn't even around for the years when it took skill and effort just to top 100
just because i wasnt talking shit on pfs at the time doesn't make me any less important
this whole oldschool>newschool circlejerk youre apart of needs to stop if you want this game to stay alive
you dont want to pull a holo and go full retard do you?
Even if its trolling, I don't see how it's amusing... just makes you look like a miserable cunt.
skill comments still stand
miserable cunt? sorry i called your friend shit
i deleted the kingdom before the round ended so i would remain an unarchived beast
The only thing that is nice is there seems to be less-than-usual multi gangbangs.
the 10 people left playing sk not named neg who apparently wants to be on everyones list