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Australia sweep England 5 - 0 to reclaim the ashes



  • oh, you mean that stadium that we just paid off and then went out and built the best midfield in the league? {maybe, the world, even?}
  • the haters of arsenal have been out in force the whole season

    "wait until they get an injury"
    "not consistent enough"
    "cant beat the top teams"
    "not a good enough striker up front"
    "mertresacker is too slow"
    "sczensy is too error prone"

    look where we are now. still first in the league and the haters are still at it.
  • and the last team anyone wants to play in the CL right now.
  • Arsenal have been great upto now this season, still been shite for years though, come back here in 3 months and tell me what yous have won. Also never tell me you have the best midfield in the world ever again, thanks.
  • went out and built the best midfield in the league? {maybe, the world, even?}

  • oh, you mean that stadium that we just paid off and then went out and built the best midfield in the league? {maybe, the world, even?}
    Not a single one of your midfield would get in bayerns. The end.

  • Arsenal have been great upto now this season, still been shite for years though, come back here in 3 months and tell me what yous have won. Also never tell me you have the best midfield in the world ever again, thanks.
    I agree with lynog on this odd occasion, when it comes to footy I can bare with him as mignolet and my good mate Jordan play for Liverpool
  • oh, you mean that stadium that we just paid off and then went out and built the best midfield in the league? {maybe, the world, even?}
    Not a single one of your midfield would get in bayerns. The end.

    Ramsey, Santi, Ozil

    Bayern is the best team in the world, for sure, but that is not because they have the best players everywhere.
  • dont ever say that is the best midfield in the league/world
  • they are first place in a top end league based solely on their midfield, they at least deserve to be in the conversation
  • they are first place in a top end league based solely on their midfield, they at least deserve to be in the conversation
    They are first place at the moment, you don't win nothing in January. Come back end of the season and then we can talk
  • you have to be in the race in the middle of the season to have a chance at the end
  • Ozil is a great player...santi and ramsey though. Could name shitloads better.
  • Ozil is a great player...santi and ramsey though. Could name shitloads better.
    there is nothing great about Ozil yet, Ramsey has had 20 good games in his career if that, Santi is class but not world class. also Azal, yous have been in the race every year this time for near 9 years and won nothing at all. So your logic is a bit flawed buddy.
  • actually the only reason we've finished in the top 4 recently was because of strong finishes, the starts of our season until this year have pretty much knocked us out of the race early. i think '10 was the only time it didnt play out like that since i started following
  • What is cricket?
  • actually the only reason we've finished in the top 4 recently was because of strong finishes, the starts of our season until this year have pretty much knocked us out of the race early. i think '10 was the only time it didnt play out like that since i started following
    the end of that quote actually makes all your previous posts make sense now, i take it you havnt been a football fan very long nor are you from London?

    Calling Arsenals midfield the best in the world is something you read on twitter then i suppose. in ten weeks time come back in here and if you are still top i will take my hat off to you.

  • i've followed since 09, though i didnt really start understanding it until a couple years later. but no, i dont really use twitter and other such things for news, and i'm not taking somebody else's opinion. i'm going purely on how THIS season only has played out, and how we are competitive with the best clubs in the world right now and we are doing it with all midfield play. it stands to reason that if our midfield is good enough to keep us in the top 5-10 clubs in the world (which is about where sites like Goal and espn have us ranked) when we have sub par defenders and keepers and one good but not great striker, then it must be because our midfield is simply outplaying shit out of people. maybe for soccer fans this might be different, but i personally dont care who was good last season, or 5 years ago. its all about the here and now.
  • i've followed since 09, though i didnt really start understanding it until a couple years later. but no, i dont really use twitter and other such things for news, and i'm not taking somebody else's opinion. i'm going purely on how THIS season only has played out, and how we are competitive with the best clubs in the world right now and we are doing it with all midfield play. it stands to reason that if our midfield is good enough to keep us in the top 5-10 clubs in the world (which is about where sites like Goal and espn have us ranked) when we have sub par defenders and keepers and one good but not great striker, then it must be because our midfield is simply outplaying shit out of people. maybe for soccer fans this might be different, but i personally dont care who was good last season, or 5 years ago. its all about the here and now.
    and here and now they have still won nothing
  • well no one has won anything yet. so we can only go on performance so far this season, and i'd still say you cannot find a team with a better mid field this year
  • well no one has won anything yet. so we can only go on performance so far this season, and i'd still say you cannot find a team with a better mid field this year
    Man City, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Real Madrid.
  • Yeah, I'd say Barcelona has the best.
  • Spain is a pretty cool place to travel to IMO.
  • oh and also Juventus, i forgot about them. Arsenals Midfield doesnt even come close in anyway shape or form to any of theirs. Literally none of them.
  • aresenal is way better than juve, lets not get retarded here. all of those teams have much better players either on the front line or the back line than arsenal does, yet we are still playing as well as any of them right now (better than Real, i would say). all you are doing is listing off big teams and not giving any kind of logic other than "oh hay, you havnt won anything in a while".

    i realize that haters gotta hate, but at least put some effort into it. i've given logical reasons for my belief, you've given nothing other than "you havnt won anything and its only mid season!"

    seriously, you are boring me now
  • ok here is why they are better lets start with Man City

    now i assume we are talking about just the middle of the park here right now but midfield means midfield so lets just list them all

    David Silva, Yaya Toure, Fernandinho, Nasri. they are just their starting four and far superior to Arsenals best four.

    Bayern. Ribery, Kroos, Schweinstieger,Muller, Robben. Please lets not even debate this one.

    Barcelona. Busquets, Iniesta, Xavi, Cesc. Another one not worth a debate.

    Madrid. Khedira, Alonso, Ronaldo, Di Maria. Isco. Another one not even worth a debate.

    Juventus. Pogba, Pirlo, Vidal, Marchisio.

    Now not let even start comparing what these clubs have on their benches or this just because a joke conversation.

    All of those midfielders have been massively successful with their respective clubs now for a longtime, at the highest of levels.

    Wilshere > good player but yet to win or do anything of note

    Ramsey > 10 good games in his life, was an utter donkey till this season

    Santi > really like him but hes not as good as the others in his position

    Ozil > Class act but yet to prove his price tag.

    Flamini > shite

    Arteta > shite

    Podolski (even though hes a forward) hasnt done much in his time there

    Walcott (even though hes a forward) think hes a class act but another one, won nothing.

    is this in depth enough for you?

    Do you really want me going through everyone of them players and explaining why they are better than your own? or are you happy with this?
  • Ramsey is like 21 and last season he was coming back from an injury that had him out for over a season. calling him raw is certainly acceptable and saying that he hasnt proven much is accurate, but he has been the driving force for the offense in more than 10 games this season, even when he doesnt score.
    i have not heard a single person say that Ozil has not been worth the investment so far
    flamini is a bruiser that gets brought in to protect the defense after we've built a lead, he's very servicable in that role
    i think you are correct about arteta, wilshire (who's been hurt alot, like ramsey)and santi, and i would also agree that walcott and podolski are forwards more than midfielders.

    i think ramsey, right now, is playing on a top 5 level. he carried the team through the group stages of the UCL.
    i also think you are completely discounting chemistry. sure, man city has more big names, but the knock on them has always been that they are just superstars who dont mesh well. this season has been more of the same, they have some great games where individuals carry them to a victory, then they have games where they get their asses kicked because they simply have no concept of team work.

    you say all of those guys have been successful for a long time? then why is this the first year cesc has gotten off the bench for barca and actually been useful?
    silva, fernandinho and nasri? comeplete garbage when it counts

    bayern? well, they are the best, i cant really make an arguement until we beat them in the champions league.

    juve? come on dude, its juve....

    madrid...i think madrid is slow falling right now, they do not look like the same team skill wise that they were when i started watching
  • i think you are underestimating Juve right now buddy, they are a top 5 team on the planet right now and have been for a good few seasons, Ramsey has been brilliant upto this season but their midfielders have done it consistently for a very long time thats why i rate them higher. As for Silva Nasri and Fernandinho, calling them garbage is laughable, does when it counts mean like, against Arsenal the other week when they utterly destroyed you and overun your midfield with ease?
  • you are an idiot lynog

    any team like juventus can have the best midfield in the world when their matches are fixed anyway
  • edited January 2014
    Neg... tinfoil hat.
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