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KISS - Dryads In The Village (Good Game, Town Wins)



  • I gave some extra time tonight because I was busy all evening.

    Daedalus 5
    Damdred 1
    Loafery 2
    Rohan Castle 6
    Suicide 3
    Zeality 1

    The town lynches Rohan the Villager.

    Ixta the villager committed ritual suicide because she has always secretly had a crush on Rohan, and couldn't handle not having a chance to tell him.

    2 Potential suicides tomorrow.
  • edited January 2014
    Zeality woke up in the locked jail cell this morning, thankful he even woke up at all.

    The town wakes at dawn like clockwork, and heads to the old sheriff Cory Newb's house to check and see what happened. Somebody was waiting for them on the front porch, sitting in an old wooden rocking chair.

    It was Phantom the villager, but he was slumped over with an axe sticking out of his back.

    As the loggers checked his vitals, they rushed in to the house, and found Zeality coming to his senses... what they also found, was Damred the Villager hanging from the log cabin rafters, his body strung up with vines and his lips were a cursed black color.

    Night 4 actions:

    Locksmith locks Zeality (couldn't act or be acted upon last night, cannot be voted for today)
    Dryads kill Damred
    Vigilante killed Phantom

    Town (14/27)


    Rohan Castle


    No Potential Suicides Today (Mistake on my paperwork had a dead player alive yesterday)
  • Well Ill get this started, it seems that we have been good at our lynching to this point. I still have my suspicions, but Id like to point them back to mages who went super silent after almost getting lynched and locked up.

    Lynch Mages
  • lynch flazer. I've got no clue what I'm doing anymore
  • There was a very strong case made for you to be a lynched and its in the past now. Back then I believed you to be evil so now I believe it again
  • edited January 2014
    Why would you suspect me, when I lead the charge on voting for walls, and nearly got killed for it. My list was based on people who voted for me back to back to back. It made sense that one of those people was likely a WW.

    Sorry Mages but I think I'm one of the most obvious villagers. Why would you vote for me. If you are a villager, it's a stupid choice.

    Mages is my vote for now: Edit - changing votes
  • edited January 2014
    I think we should still consider loafery. Its very likely that the WWs are being quiet and yesterday after looking at it I thought he might be a WW candidate. I'm going to stick with him again today.

    changed again
  • edited January 2014
    Lynch Loafery

    Edit: Also Mages, it could be a ploy to make you look innocent knowing you won't die. You just can't be sure in a game like this.
  • why do you think loafery? If i were a WW and it wasnt looking good for someone who was a WW id wait a bit and vote for them to sway suspicion which is what walls and ghost did. Im sticking with my vote
  • Its so obvious who the ww are whops wrong thread
  • edited January 2014
    Well, he's barely talking this game when usually he can't seem to stop talking. He just puts his vote in on who to lynch, and hardly says anything else. I've voted to lynch him twice now, and he hasn't bothered defending himself. Rohan voted me just as a joke (I think), and I felt compelled to say something. Not sure why he's so quiet when he's pretty active in other threads.

    I may be wrong, but I had 3 choices (Almost voted Mages earlier because he's pretty suspicious too) and chose Loafery because he's the most suspicious to me. :)
  • edited January 2014
    Ghosted and Walls voted you to remove suspicion from you, and it worked, you got locked up. Thank you locksmith for being the voice of reason in this town by keeping me safe :)

    Lynch Mages.

    My reasoning: passing blame to obvious villagers, saying the lynch isn't working when it's killed TWO dryads,
  • edited January 2014
    @Corynewb can the locksmith lock me up tonight as well?
  • I'm happy to back you up, Zeal.

    Change my vote to lynch Mages
  • I'm happy to back you up, Zeal.

    Change my vote to lynch Mages

    wtf am i chop liver? lol
  • I'm happy to back you up, Zeal.

    Change my vote to lynch Mages

    wtf am i chop liver? lol
    I'm a proven villager... you could always be a dryad ;) But since you did the first vote on Mages(Dryad) I hope the vigilante leaves you alone tonight haha
  • Is that suicide?
  • Haha, a young darth vader?
  • I'd be ashamed if he didn't.
  • Zeal, the locksmith could lock you up again if he chose to.
  • It would be pretty dumb for Mages to vote himself when the votes are close, unless he's using this tactic to thwart any other votes, too risky at this point imo especially since his vote puts him in the lynch lead. Since there's a possibility that there's only 1 WW left, based off my original speculation of there being 3 WWs. I'm gonna go with Loafery for lynch , I believe him to be our last WW.
  • or trust the guy who is going out on a last limb effort to save himself by throwing himself under the bus saying hes a villager when all signs point to him being not that at all. Its a last chance move. A good one
  • Early voting poles

    Mages - 4
    Loaf - 2
    Flazer - 1
  • edited January 2014
    Osiris, you are kinda forcing my hand, so...
    Zeal, the locksmith could lock you up again if he chose to.
    Going to trust the Locksmith to do the right thing. I am the Fortune-Teller, I started the train on Ghosted because I spied him being a Dryad. I blanked the next night, but Daedelus still held my suspicion. Last night I found out that Mages is a dryad.

  • edited January 2014
    well...... lynch mages. Sorry bud. Zeal, if that turns out to be wrong, you know who's next
  • Mages

    Though did I miss something, how does Osiris know this is the last dryad, we don't even know how many there are
  • Mages

    Though did I miss something, how does Osiris know this is the last dryad, we don't even know how many there are
    Science. Or scientology - one of the two.
  • Mages the final Dryad, was lynched

    Town wins.
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