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sector news bug

edited December 2013 in General

there is a glitch on s2. Some people are making hits and its not showing up in the sector news. When the game restarts, could you take a gander at it pwerty pwease?

Also, while your at it, cut each sector down to 10 people per sector (this will allow for better competition), adjust sector enhancement costs to something a little more plausible & affordable . Fix 1:5 as it doesn't show up in sector view unless you type in the sector manually... Annnnd, lower F&W attack times from +15% to +10%

and Ill be a happy damn cucumber :)


  • Get rid of SiS.
  • Solars/nanos are fine... I've never run a 1-man sector but I seem to recall research station still being possible in small sectors.
  • Maybe every other day, yeah. I think nanos should be calced out to earn every day, its all that other stuff that can be saved up for.
  • I've never done any math, but I have to think that a sector research station pays for itself eventually.
  • I've never had a problem with nano's tbh. Its relative to your NW, so having 1 or 20 kingdoms in a sector wouldn't make a difference, if all their builds are the same.

    I've been in sectors with 2 and 4 players, we always had plenty of money for enhancements.
  • edited December 2013
    yea I don't see what's the problem with nanos and solars that you are seeing for small sectors, I tend to have an easier time with them when I'm in smaller sectors or playing alone. It's relative to nw and land, so there shouldn't be much of a difference between a 1 person sector or 20 person sector.

    However, I do agree with all your other changes, 20 person sectors on s2 is way too much when there's around like 50 actives. What usually ends up happening is that there's one very active and stacked sector that ends up fighting the uni but the uni is so unorganized between themselves and hands the round over to the big sector. Then, the big sector ends up farming the uni until they take over like 15 of the top 20 spots. This happened two rounds in a row. Last round was a bit more eventful because they did give somewhat of a fight and at least took out Beanland but this round was just boring. Would be much better to see 6-8 sectors with 8-10 kds in each than this.
  • Get rid of SiS.
    i could fix every sector on s2 if you'd like
  • Meadows... YES!
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