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*insert threatening msg here*



  • beats me

    my game strategy usually involves around doing nothing for a month and then trying to irritate some random guy.

    last round it was fauss.
    Are you SlackerKSG5 (1:13)? I've been suiciding on him for days. I was going to stop and find someone else, then he messaged me saying he was going to kill me If I didn't stop, an I lol'd
  • No.. I'm in 1:5.
  • Ah, good, then I don't have to stop :P
  • I had somebody message me that if he sees my name in his news anymore he will bash me 3x. So I called him a tough guy and told him if he bashed me 3x he would get KT'd. Last I heard from the F&W bank with 5mil platinum.
  • I'll be sure to bash for heroin
  • Tiesto, the guy who threatened me is in your sector xD
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