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([Stunner] vs [Phantomz] vs[DisneyChannel] vs [Redemption]) vs Multis



  • Would be alright if people still played actively. Just not the same when theres only 4 guys talking in the Blast and theyre all in your sector lol.
  • edited November 2013

    Can't blame Stunner if Phantomz kingdoms decided to explore-whore at the expense of making a decent kingdom. Activity seems to be around the same if you look at the war as Stunner vs. Phantomz & Redemption. Could understand it if Stunner had insane activity levels but they don't. Disney is just making it a gangbang. Doesn't matter that much though, it's all good. :)
  • Time will tell
  • edited November 2013
    If Stunner's going down, a lot of their tops are too.
  • No kill croy nweb! He no praticpait in the wore
  • It's not really about explore whoring I don't think. Stunner just had an overabundance of large DW kds, and there's no outbuilding a DW your size. They get their offense for almost free.
  • It's not really about explore whoring I don't think. Stunner just had an overabundance of large DW kds, and there's no outbuilding a DW your size. They get their offense for almost free.
    True story here, high pop DW is a scary thing.
  • ^

    Can't blame Stunner if Phantomz kingdoms decided to explore-whore at the expense of making a decent kingdom. Activity seems to be around the same if you look at the war as Stunner vs. Phantomz & Redemption. Could understand it if Stunner had insane activity levels but they don't. Disney is just making it a gangbang. Doesn't matter that much though, it's all good. :)
    are u a peace loving hippie?

    sk has wars, wars are to remove the top players/top alliances/kill multis etc.
    found multis, phantomz killed theirs, stunners did nothing, why? because he's big.

    sk doesn't like overlord tyrant alliances, as i found out a few rounds ago.

    it's not the fact that phantomz and disney didn't make a bunch of anti-turtles and do the same thing as stunners. it's the fact stunners didn't make a bunch of explore whores and live peacefully.
    if they made a bunch of explore whores and didn't train roll everyone, we wouldn't be at war.

    u have it backwards!
  • edited November 2013
    No, Walls, you have it backwards!

    We killed more multi's than the remaining alliances put together. Most people in non-Stunner alliances didn't help much with the smacker multi's either which obviously looks suspicious considering that they targeted our AL.

    If you're talking about Zeal as if he's cheating or breaking the rules, then you're out of line and should call it a day. He didn't break any rules for S1. Phantomz just saw an opportunity and took it. Nothing wrong with calling it as it is.
  • We were targeting multis, but stunner kept hitting my actives so I was like, fuk that.
  • Apparently stunners is the bad guy this round. Who are the ALs of all dese mofos?
  • Stunners - Cobras
    Disney - Tyrsis and Dole
    Phantomz - Nomansland and Viva
  • Everyone knows that since like 5 rounds ago when every old player joins the same alliance its usually them vs the uni? this is the first round it doenst look good for the big alliance?
  • I have joined up with phantoms. My farm I army will be at their disposal!
  • Speaking of ill need a group next round ;-)
  • No, Walls, you have it backwards!

    We killed more multi's than the remaining alliances put together. Most people in non-Stunner alliances didn't help much with the smacker multi's either which obviously looks suspicious considering that they targeted our AL.

    If you're talking about Zeal as if he's cheating or breaking the rules, then you're out of line and should call it a day. He didn't break any rules for S1. Phantomz just saw an opportunity and took it. Nothing wrong with calling it as it is.
    zeal made his multi a little TOO obvious. :P

    not gonna say i care or am offended by him having a multi though. that'd be kind of hypocritical :D
  • edited November 2013
    ^ lol :)
  • Wait, I have a say in how Disney is run? YAY! GO ME!
  • Wait, I have a say in how Disney is run? YAY! GO ME!
    promotions left right and center, maybe you'll get jokeer next
  • Hey prime! fighting os magic!
  • Fighting is always magic.
  • Yes. It is.

  • Also, I'm dead so I need a statline
  • Poor prime!

    Also, YAY APPLEJACK! The person who had that PF account was the best one.
  • bad guys... bad g
    Apparently stunners is the bad guy this round. Who are the ALs of all dese mofos?
    there is no good or bad... there's only... power.
  • bad guys... bad g
    Apparently stunners is the bad guy this round. Who are the ALs of all dese mofos?
    there is no good or bad... there's only... power.
    it's like u read my autobiography
  • Eh, you guys act like you didn't know this was going to happen.

    Everyone knew Stunner was overpowered. Everyone knew Stunner would beat Phantomz in a 1v1 war. Everyone knew Stunner would farm the universe if they won the war.

    We have all played too much SK for this bullshit, so nut up or shut up.

    tyrsis for once we agree

  • So we are all speaking Sith philosophy now.
  • Pony smashing time.
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