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Why do Americans hate free healthcare?



  • i think it would help if they knew our language...
    pft sure sound picky
  • well, when i read about electricity, i think about Spain....i heard they are taxing the sun...
  • I think thats the Italians
  • i think it would help if they knew our language...
    pft sure sound picky
    yeah, ppl say numbers know no language...but if instead of 20% he understands 20x100, it might not end well
  • edited October 2013
    I think thats the Italians

    a quote from the news: "We will be the only country in the world charging for the use of the sun," says Jaume Serrasolses.
  • And they say America is fucked up
  • "Free" healthcare is like many people have stated not free at all. You can be sure as hell that taxes will be raised to provide you with this "free" service. Perhaps not all at once, but once the deficit grows too large there will be no choice.

    Just look at where I am from, Sweden. We have "free" healthcare, "free" dental until 23 years of age (after that still heavily subsidized), students are payed a "free" allowance while studying (around 1/3, the other 2/3 being a government loan at close to 0% interest). Most Immigrants are payed the equivalent of a low payed full time job salary up to two years without requirements, people who have been let off are payed 80% salary by the state for up to one year, and after that will continue to receive a minimum daily "allowance". People who are a long-time sick continue to get payed for years, even though there often have been cases of people abusing this. All you need is one doctor claiming you can't work.

    I could go on and on, but the point there is simply so much money being thrown around, where is it all coming from?

    ~34% income tax up to around $65000 yearly income. Any income over that is taxed ~50-55%

    25% tax on most common goods purchases
    $75 tax pr 1 liter pure alcohol
    Gas is around $9 pr gallon
    33% tax on stock earnings or similar
    ... and much much more

    Money that is taken from the income tax and set aside for your pension is then taxed on again when that pension is payed out.

    Basically if you invest some money in stocks, they increase in value and you sell, then use that money to buy a TV. You have payed 34% income tax, 33% on your earnings in the stock, and another 25% to buy the TV. Oh and then you have to pay TV-tax every year also.
  • Bro, if I decide to go visit Sweden, can me and the wench crash on your couch?

    BTW, that's exactly what I have been trying to say
  • Okay, so this is my understanding of what Obama has pushed onto the American People.

    We must purchase this insurance or be fined out the ass if we don't.
    We cannot carry our previous Insurance even though they claimed months ago that we could.
    our taxes will increase dramatically even though we are already paying for said insurance.
    And the new insurance will be nearly 3x more expensive then what we previously had.
    Businesses must offer this insurance to full time employees which has already caused companies to cut back the hours of nearly all of their employees to 30 hours.
    Doctors and physicians are dropping out of the medical field like flies.
    The website is "A hackers wet dream" According to Founder/creator of Norton Antivirus.

    God Americans are so damned stupid. I have GOT to get out of this country.
  • edited October 2013
    It's not free, and it's a total sham.

    On a side note: Those of you that voted Obama or didn't vote at all should blame yourselves. If you like the "Affordable" Care Act, great. If not and you voted for Obama or didn't vote, it's your own god damn fault.

    Side Side Note: That actually goes for anyone you voted for that supported the "Affordable" Care Act.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm also pissed at my party, Republican, throwing a temper tantrum that screwed over millions of Americans. I can't believe how childish and selfish my party can be by shutting down the government because they don't agree with the constitutional and democratically proposed law of the land.

    It only gets worse from here, guys.
  • It's not free, and it's a total sham.

    On a side note: Those of you that voted Obama or didn't vote at all should blame yourselves. If you like the "Affordable" Care Act, great. If not and you voted for Obama or didn't vote, it's your own god damn fault.

    Side Side Note: That actually goes for anyone you voted for that supported the "Affordable" Care Act.
    Actually, it would have been introduced regardless if Romney won, or Obama. I for one did not vote. They **the RNC** cheated Ron Paul Delegates in Maine by removing their votes thus removing Ron Paul from the Ballot. I am a firm believer this place would be equally bad had Romney won. The entire system is theater, nothing more.
  • This debacle is still better than the situation we all would've found ourselves in had Romney won - Probably be half way through World War 3. Wonder how many brainwashed sheep would be participating in it though.
  • This debacle is still better than the situation we all would've found ourselves in had Romney won - Probably be half way through World War 3. Wonder how many brainwashed sheep would be participating in it though.
    I dunno, things are changing. Yes I know there are the hardcore retards who still believe in the left/right paradigms, however the curtains are coming down. The years of brainwash and do as I say mentality is being tested, there is no rewind, only forward. I believe something catastrophic will happen rather it be natural or economic, not because of what others say or think, but because of the way everything has changed before our very eyes in the past decade. Something has to hit the fan, because otherwise the people will return the country to its former glory eventually which doesn't fit the first rule of government... 'Do whatever it takes to remain in power'. Many people will die, the only question is when, and for how long. Or, the American people will remain willfully ignorant to the political schemes being played. Personally id rather not see the latter of the two.
  • *shrug* the amount of shit that has been brought to the public eye since social media went balistic is generally a good sign. Nobody can guarantee it will solve shit, but awareness is the first step.
  • Yep, things are changing thanks to social media. The world isn't the same one that our parents grew up in so I guess we can be cautiously optimistic.
  • i dont feel like going to sweden...

    heard kids run the country now, because of the no-spanking law they put up years ago...
  • i dont feel like going to sweden...

    heard kids run the country now, because of the no-spanking law they put up years ago...
    They just recently passed a :jerk off where ever you want to law: though?
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