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  • I ended up getting an xFx 6770. It definitely serves up better graphics but didn't stop that damn horse freezing up. I've done every tweak out there. Any other time it runs great. I just can't run naked bareback at top speed with the water splashing my warriors white nightgown as her pretty pink nipples show through. That is a minor annoyance but it still irks me.
  • I ended up getting an xFx 6770. It definitely serves up better graphics but didn't stop that damn horse freezing up. I've done every tweak out there. Any other time it runs great. I just can't run naked bareback at top speed with the water splashing my warriors white nightgown as her pretty pink nipples show through. That is a minor annoyance but it still irks me.

    Thats why its rated inappropriate for kids.
  • edited January 2012

    I've killed about a half dozen dragons without breaking a nail.
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