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PartyRaccoon vs she&RobotPirates



  • edited November 2011
    she needs to watch out, Party Raccoon isn't done yet!

    Oh, wait, yes PR is done.
  • The reason why we NAPed RP is because there were a lot of mutual attacks. People started getting angry by this and we wanted to avoid war. xoxo
    That would explain a 24 hour NAP, but uh, it's still up. U scared bro?
  • edited November 2011
    damn, one out of all of she :-p

    btw it wasnt 5 yrs ago, you also multiraped magnus a little bit more than a year ago, and bunch of probe farms every round so dunno why you try to legitimize yourself
  • It turned into a 48hr nap i guess. Supposed to drop today at some point.
  • long ago when you just popped into sk, you had the top offense kd like a couple days out of newbiemode. Think a couple rounds after that, I kept learning of you cheating quite often and learning that you do wrong on others, such as multismashing people if they speak trash of you or ruin your kd, I know magnus was just one, but there were more rounds that happened, such as the following round near the start you targeted anyone that could have resembled magnus. This was during the time I assumed you to be the most publicly known person with the most multies spending time to ruin others games. Probably a reason why I never probed/ attacked or did anything to your kds because I was afraid of what could happen :-p

    Lets just say if what I can remember of people is bad, Ill say it out, so i can grow my ego to maximum size :-p
  • He needs help with his ego, it keeps shrinking.
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