I got interrupted

August 15, 05:09:52 I smoke Meth (1:4) anyone, it's meth time
August 15, 05:10:36 I smoke Meth (1:4) I know, my humor is a little different, but meh, I get by :P
August 15, 05:16:43 DuCk (1:5) im scared of u meth
August 15, 05:16:53 DuCk (1:5) u be on every hour for days on end
August 15, 05:17:03 DuCk (1:5) i have to sleep eventually
August 15, 05:20:20 I smoke Meth (1:4) Rofl
August 15, 05:20:36 I smoke Meth (1:4) It's 6:20 in the morning :P
August 15, 05:20:45 I smoke Meth (1:4) I only sleep about 5 or 6 hours a day :P
August 15, 05:24:19 I smoke Meth (1:4) LOL
August 15, 05:25:55 I smoke Meth (1:4) it's funny though, I'm actually an alliance leader for another game as well
August 15, 05:26:07 I smoke Meth (1:4) I have to balance time for both which require a lot of devotion.
August 15, 05:26:40 I smoke Meth (1:4) Rise an shine burnin' red, dreams of you all through my head!
August 15, 05:28:55 I smoke Meth (1:4) soooooooo bored

August 15, 05:29:04 I smoke Meth (1:4) and she's buying a stairway... to heaven
August 15, 05:29:19 I smoke Meth (1:4) theres a sign on the wall, but she wants to be sure, cause you know sometimes words have two meanings
August 15, 05:29:32 I smoke Meth (1:4) in the tree by the brook, theres a song bird who sings, sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven
August 15, 05:29:55 I smoke Meth (1:4) it makes me wonnderrrrr
August 15, 05:29:58 I smoke Meth (1:4) ohhhhhhhhh
August 15, 05:30:08 I smoke Meth (1:4) makes me wonderrererrrrr
August 15, 05:30:22 I smoke Meth (1:4) theres a feelin' I get, when I look to the west, and my spirit is crying to leaving
August 15, 05:30:36 I smoke Meth (1:4) in my thoughts i have seen rings of smoke thru the trees, and the voices of those who stand looking
August 15, 05:30:45 I smoke Meth (1:4) ohhhh makes me wonderrr
August 15, 05:30:58 I smoke Meth (1:4) really makes me wonderrrr
August 15, 05:31:08 I smoke Meth (1:4) and its whispered that soon, if we all call the tune
August 15, 05:31:13 I smoke Meth (1:4) then the piper will lead us to reason
August 15, 05:31:26 I smoke Meth (1:4) then a new day will dawn, for those who stand long then the forests will echo with laughter
August 15, 05:31:43 I smoke Meth (1:4) **chorus**
August 15, 05:31:51 DuCk (1:5) what if the piper is damaged
August 15, 05:32:01 I smoke Meth (1:4) damnit duck!
August 15, 05:32:07 I smoke Meth (1:4) lolol
August 15, 05:32:19 I smoke Meth (1:4) I just missed like 10 lines of lyrics
August 15, 05:32:25 I smoke Meth (1:4) and it makes me wonder...
August 15, 05:32:50 I smoke Meth (1:4) your head is hummin, and it wont go, in case you don't know, the piper is caling you to join him
August 15, 05:33:05 I smoke Meth (1:4) dear lady can you hear the wind blow, and did you know, your stairway lyes on the whispering winndsssss
August 15, 05:33:30 I smoke Meth (1:4) 8***** Guitar greatness**