#1 cory... your kd is absolutely the shittiest 1 mill kd ever... #2 ive gitten more news from visors then your shitty, disgrace to the real gravity alliance... that is all
How does that sound butt hurt??? Simply stating that Gravity sucks donkey balls... I guess when your not making google chrome add ons your just a fucking tard... Tell ya what, you sit down and contemplate another way to try n talk shit, stick to running numbers cause you suck at running your mouth.. L-)
You're better pipe down you white trash faggot piece of shit. You form sentences like a brain dead waste of space goat fucker.
Haha ohh Sci... Your a funny lil bitch arent ya? #1 I don't give a rats ass who you are or what you think... I sacrificed my KD for my alliance, I am absolutely positive I did more on the KTs while alive then you did... STFU and go play with your lil extensions or whatever the fuck your dork ass does on your spare time... I can tell you dont have any luck in real life and as far as creativity I am absolutely sure I have way more creativity then your lil faggot ass does... My career alone would tell me that, but hey you can think whatever the hell you want to b.c in the end your just a fucking pimply faced troll prolly jerking off to gay porn or those nasty pics Rohan posted... ohh and BTW do something for the alliance pussy boy
Repetitive, droll, and lacking intelligence. Com'on you can do better than this. Just because I'm smarter than you doesn't make me a pimply faced troll that sits on the internet all day, Tiesto. Hell, I'd wager good money that you are stupider than most dolphins. Don't beat yourself up too bad over it, though. They are really smart animals.
Dead dead dead
*Grabs Popcorn*
(By the way, I love both you guys for the record
I threw up over poopcorn 2013. Nightmare fuel, that was.
I will be in their debt if they do.
Dhara (X:3,Y:3) Desert Wasteland 0 314,729 631
Puppy has been hitting the kts when they are low land guys, KT him
Well, it seems some people are impugning on my good judgement. Tsk tsk tsk, the cook goes whisk whisk whisk. BWAHAHAHAHA
Only this round Pie did he outgrow me!