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cowboys beat red?



  • That's because you are a fool!

  • Right now I'm laying naked in my bed, resting and eating some tuna before I head to the gym and do leg day

    You have a nice bed
    Damn nice gun!
  • Why is everyone naked in bed in your stories Darius? And they are all guys...
  • Darius buddy Im late to the party due to me golfing all day. First anyone who makes a lot of money... doesnt brag about how much money they make. 2. Congrads on being on your dads tits, i hope he lactates nicely for you. 3. You are an engineer at 21? Meaning you finished school so you dont have a stamp so basically you arent a fucking thing other then a paper bitch in an office maybe making barely any money at all. You arent even salary... Dont argue I work in the industry. 4. When you are finally off your daddies tits you'll realize money means very little in this world. 5. Dont tell us to get a life if you are pretending to hang out with all these people and friends and girls... please also no one needs to know you are jerking off to your own posts on how awesome you are... No one here but illy thinks so and im sure most of us could go on a rant about that as well...... To finish off Bruins will win the cup sorry I love Toews but and SEAHAWKS!!!! k2 you live in seattle?

  • You have a nice bed
    you had me at unibrow :D
  • I'm 26, finished college at 21 with a business degree, manage a credit union, and am happy. Don't really spend much time hanging out in my bed naked, unless it's with my wife.

    ...Since we are all getting to know eachother and all.
  • Why are we talking about being naked in bed?

    Better yet, if someone is naked in bed... are there not better things to do than play SK?
  • Why are we talking about being naked in bed?

    Better yet, if someone is naked in bed... are there not better things to do than play SK?

    I don't think you're doing it right then Darius.
  • Your income is nothing to brag about darius... if you had tons of money you wouldnt be bragging about it.
  • Honestly at this point i almost feel like talking to the wall is more beneficial......quit trying to brag about how awesome and perfect your life is seriously no one here thinks it is and congrads on your super awesome job making billions
  • You were saying you make so much money and so does your brother and daddy... ya well im rubber youre glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you... same shit bragging about money is retarded
  • and people wonder why no one plays SK anymore......
  • Or hes content with what he has and loves what hes doing. Id rather be happy and enjoy my job and life then hate my job and think oh wow retirement is awesome. You have your thoughts let him think how he wants to think. Maybe he doesnt give a shit if he lives off $800 a month when he retires. No one likes a know it all 21 year old.
  • edited June 2013
    Hahaha hilarious.

    Darius I would outplay you any round and pt.

    I wouldn't brag too much about your terra strat either, it was awful. I beat you to lds on DW. Last time I played terra when there was much better competition aswel, I had TFs by 3k land rolling top kds and I don't even think terra was as powerful as it is now.
  • Why can't were bee frieendssss
  • Jonesie... Don't make me threaten you some more! Rawr!
  • Your income is nothing to brag about darius... if you had tons of money you wouldnt be bragging about it.
    Still not bragging, just stating facts.

    I dont have shyt compared to older professionals, but it's guaranteed more than Sped who tried calling me out and failed

    I literally predicted exactly who he was perfectly

    "older young adult struggling to make 30k/year"


    "I'm an older young adult (26) that coaches youth basketball (struggling)"

    Watch this

    "I'm rank 1" - dude stop bragging
    "I'm rank 10" - lol yeah cool story man try getting rank one
    "I'm rank 25" - good for u bud LOL
    "I'm rank 50" - nobody cares LOL
    "I'm rank 100" - ... *no response*

    See the difference? Your interpretation of me as bragging is simply a reflection of how you personally scale whats being referenced

    I'm just explaining why I can afford to spend so much time on here without actually caring about the game enough to affect me negatively, I'm sorry you set the bar so low for 'bragging'

    Can't really tell someone to get a life when theirs is better now can you? I wasn't talking to all of you, I was talking to Sped. No need to get all butthurt that I'm a happy & successful person.
    I never said what I make a year. How does "coaches youth basketball" mean I'm struggling. Do you even understand what kind of money coaching can bring in?

    I failed at nothing when I made my post; in fact when you replied and started talking about laying in bed naked with your brother I was so bewildered that you actually made it to 21 years old. I figured someone with an ego your size would have been shot by now.

    As others said, money means nothing. You're young and incredibly ignorant to what real life really is. Once it kicks in, come and let us know.

    Continue on thinking you're impressing us (oh wait you're just stating facts), meanwhile we'll all continue wearing our troll masks and getting the best of you.

    I should of known not to get "real" with you, as I've seen the "IMake80KAYearAndLiftWeights" dillholes that is you.

    Now back to reality, I fucking spunked all over your face this round and goddamnit son, I wasn't even trying.

  • Now back to reality, I fucking spunked all over your face this round and goddamnit son, I wasn't even trying.
    I'm in reality, but do you realize how hard it is to get a guy to spunk all over my face?? AND YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO TRY! you got me there bro... you got me there
  • This has gone on long enough

    everyone stfu
  • edited June 2013
    Not intending to offend anyone or anything, but if I was even remotely as successful in life as some characters here say they are, I wouldn't be caught playing this game under any circumstances.

  • I'm making about 200k/hour plus robs so...I win.
  • The first to 1 mil is usually the winner in the regard as true rank 1 as many strategies need to shape up, some even take to 2mil nw
    Jones had a 2.5k land lead on everyone before he disbanded. Had he continued at his growth rate he would've been 2 million NW around yesterday.

    To give you an idea of my real growth potential, I had almost a 1k land lead on Jones when we were at 2.2k vs 2900 + 200 land still in exploration before being multi raped and suicided on by an AT.


    honest question now Darius. Do you think you are remotely close to Jones league in terms of building a kd?
    If you REALLY want an honest answer. This round, no.

    If he was playing legitimately, then he definitely outplayed me. I personally believe he was cheating at least to some degree, there was a period where there was some pretty impressive growth without him abusing DWs ability to draft goons, and he would've needed to be extremely active and careful with some very extensive spreadsheeting, or very lucky to pull it off correctly.

    If not, he definitely has my respect as a player.

    I haven't played this game in 5 years, I played high income and no probes back in the old days, and never had to deal with many of the issues I faced this round, nor experience with my own strategy outside of noob mode.

    I don't want to go into specifics because if everyone used my updated strat they'd all be huge, but this round helped me identify many, many flaws in my gameplay.

    I made a great deal of political mistakes as well. I learned that working with and trusting people on this game is a complete waste of time, especially those who pick DW, because they dont intend to live anyways.

    One issue I have is the round bonus combined with DW. I would've liked to see him play Terra before passing final judgement. This round bonus with goons that cost 63 plat basically negates the need for player skill on a DW if you kind of know how to play the game. I proved that myself on S2.

    There was absolutely no chance of another Terra in the game outgrowing me with how big I was getting, but it was mathematically impossible to outgrow a top DW if they really wanted to break you. I also proved that on S2 when I massed goons and was able to break the R1 player there, who was ahead by such a stupid lead I felt bad for doing it and decided to attack some random guy instead.

    I believe if we were to compete again next round as Terra or another non-DW PT, I would be able to match or outplay him, but I believe he outplayed me this round, and hes the only person in the game who can say that honestly.

    There's your real answer. Talk shit about it if you want, but if you want to convince me otherwise you'll have to beat me yourself or else your opinion is totally worthless to me

    That answer started out pretty legit till the point where you say youll outplay him if hes none DW, Trust me you wont. I like your confidence but honestly you dont stand a chance. Good luck trying though.
  • Should've said so sooner, Darius! I disbanded my Top 50 kingdom a few hours ago because I got bored, lol. You've already talked to me in-game about a possible new alliance (I was Magic Magician in 1:13). Was in TK alliance. :)
  • can you archive my sub rank 100 kingdom as rank 1. it is my true goal of all time. since jones is dead you clearly have no competition and it will be easy. ty.
  • wut

    i'm volc
  • i bet jones could do it
  • i bet jones could do it
    Jones could do it with his eyes closed.
  • i bet jones could do it
    Jones could do it with his eyes closed.
    I could do it only using my tongue.
    you kinky bitch!
  • So I heard that we should flip this topic around, and remove the ? mark?
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