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Starkingdoms Steam Group for Dota, Civ and other games



  • Wow wall of text. I was just trolling you. But you're right it totaly depends on your teammates
  • edited March 2013
    I have so much to write about anything Dota. I love it.

    Played a match with Exo where I was bloodseeker and clinkz stole everything. I ignored everyone bitching for ganks. Twenty minutes later I came out of that jungle and ripped right down the lane and won. Know when to ignore your team. Arguing never helps.
  • is anyone playing path of exile? its my first time playing this type of game. I hear its similar to warcraft and diablo 2. Im doing pretty good considering
  • edited March 2013
    on path of exile, if you die on hardcore your character returns to default mode...

    you dont lose the char...

    and it is similar to diablo2
  • if its similar to diablo 2...
  • the skill grade is different though...its like the ff10 grade...that huge thing where you see the whole thing and have to link skill after skill until you reach the ones you want :D
  • im onto the final difficulty now then i can start doing maps. Im the equivalent to a Tank on other games so im doing it all prolly as slow as can possibly by done right now, But on the other hand im a bitch to kill and dying on the hardest difficulty means you lose a tonne of xp, I think im doing good for a newb though, The game is still free atm so worth a shot flaznoob
  • edited March 2013
    Does it have decent multiplayer? I loved torchlight 2 until I beat it and tried mp. Perhaps the worst mp ever it ruined my perception of the game and never played it again.
  • not fond of multiplayer on these kind of games...

    on path, you have access to the players inside town, and has a panel where you create or join groups...

    nobody outside your group can screw your game or steal itens dropped...and itens some itens drop with your name and a 5s counter, meaning only you can pick it within this time, then the item becomes available for the rest of the group.

    i think 5s isnt enough..dont like to rush for an item...specially on hardcore...
  • edited March 2013
    I had the pleasure of playing Dota 2 with Guardia and his buddies a few times this week. It's like night vs day when you're playing with a competent group. If he invites you to a game I recommend joining.

    If you have any lag issues with Dota go here.

    I had really bad lag spikes when viewing store items and the games music would glitch like crazy until I joined a game. I tried a lot of things this one finally fixed it. If you get spikes on any game do this and you'll be back here posting you love me.

  • Does it have decent multiplayer? I loved torchlight 2 until I beat it and tried mp. Perhaps the worst mp ever it ruined my perception of the game and never played it again.
    its more co op but yeah its alot more fun to grind it out in a group. Enemy hoards are alot bigger and better loot drops. I cant compare it to any others as this is the first type of this game ive played. Alot of ppl compare it to diablo 2 so i guess if you like that then you will like this.
  • I have torchlight 2
  • edited March 2013
    It's a great game but do yourself a favor and don't go into multiplayer. What happens next is pure shenanigans. I haven't been on there since the beginning but what I witnessed can only be described as StarKingdoms. People had already taken sides as cheaters vs anti cheaters. There was nothing to stop cheaters from doing anything they wanted. They would even trick anti cheaters into accepting items so that they became cheaters. There was no rhyme or reason behind joining a party. You would skip a ton of crap and suddenly you're done, tada. Trying to find someone as far along as you had gotten, forget about it. Even if you created a room it wasn't your room. It would take on a life of its own without your ability to stop it. The last I checked in the forum it was still totally whacked out.
  • totally received a russian e-mail from steam haha...

    only word i understood was dota2...guess i should go see if i'm banned...
  • Angry drunken russians on teamspeak ftw
  • They're crazy bastards..
  • edited March 2013
  • Bump.

    In response to several people asking... I do not lead FC but you can find me on dota2. I only come here to torment Pie
  • me some dank torment... Now that I don't take it personally
  • You have to pay to play dota? I'd def get into that, looks interesting from what I can tell.
  • edited May 2013
    If you have Steam just add me on there I am ezwip. I'll send you an invite or you can message the majority of Dota users on here. Without one it's like 20 bucks or something. We have tons of invites so do not buy one. If you buy one we will definitely make a thread about it and laugh hysterically. Why? Because once you are addicted you will start spending money on random dumb shit that magically becomes worthless the second you buy it, but not until then because every second leading up to that it will rise in value. Valve is doing weird things lately. One of those weird things is charging for their "free" game since it's in beta. They are calling it an early pass or something of the sort. I think their high as a kite from the amount of cash we are throwing at them. I heard Gabe Newell had his driveway paved with cocaine and his toilets are filled with Cristal.

    You know I love ya Pie. You should try it out sometime.
  • haha well dank thanks for the dota gift XD, but it wasn't rohan who friended you it was me lol
  • I must admit my first couple of plays of dota have went pretty bad, i've played against bots etc just to get a feel for whats going on and I did win but the game feels like instead of a learning curve its really a cliff that i'm trying to climb. Its really fun and I highly recommend just from the little i've played but if you don't have the patients to really learn the game gl
  • edited May 2013
    I saw that you didn't have it and friended me so I figured you were from SK. Glad it went to someone on here and not somebody on a multi. People are making them to sell cards.

    Sign up and after they drop sell them on the market for a few bucks. Get yourself something purdy.

    The learning curve is insanity. I have played a year now and learn something new every week. Some things I block out until later because I am not even ready to absorb it. There are over 100 heros and they are all different. Teammates are not forgiving they will bitch non stop. The best thing to do is load a guide when you join that shows you what to build next. Click the book top left in a game to select a build guide. Remember that dying is a big deal don't tower dive or chase if you don't know what you are doing. People diving can blink away usually or if their own creeps are near hit A then click their own creep and the tower fires at that now, pro tip that will save your ass. Just stay within I think 1400 aoe of the creeps and you get experience even if you miss last hits. Experience has a huge impact. My most rookie mistake was not staying close enough while people just standing at a tower doing nothing outgrew me. In my head I thought I was kicking ass running all around the place.... yea no. Try not to go mid until you catch on because whoever wins that race often wins the game. Sniper is a great guy to learn with once you die like 3000 times you know what to expect.

    Also stick to solo match it will group you with other noobs and less arguing as a result.
  • thanks for the tips, so far its rough and i noticed early when i tried to middle or chase or go where I thought I could farm a bit and the other team out level'd me fast it sucks being behind. Will keep goin though atleast its fun lol
  • edited May 2013
    OMG I played an 80 min game with some sk folk and Guardia's buddies last night and got my ass kicked the whole time. Somehow we won in the end. I felt so helpless as Omni Knight to wrap it up. I am so tired right now I was just about to pass out when I got the invite. Somehow not one person flipped out and we just kept hanging on. We lost all of our T1and T2 towers very early.
  • i kinda stepped down from dota for a while...been spending some sweet time playing doom2 on zandronum.

    those maps with 2000+ monsters are pretty vicious lol
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