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Shady [Christmas]...



  • I thought dank was complaining about moo bots?
    So moo isnt working yet dank is complaining about us botting on moo?

    Wait why am I even surprised, its about as strong as his other arguments
  • The scanner isnt working, you can make bots.
  • So do all these multies have moo IP?
  • The scanner isnt working, you can make bots.
  • Yeah they do, the scanner just isnt updating apparently.
  • "Your general opinion is one of someone who doesn't have to worry about getting bot raped... Must be nice. "

    What do you mean by that?

    I came into this round and every round for the past 10 that I've played expecting to get bot raped? If you are playing SK at this time and not prepared to lose your KD at any moment then you are extremely slow. And judging by your rage earlier at getting hit by a few kds (nice LT army I heard.. better luck next time) I judge you got hella bent outta shape over multis touching your kd. Since you've been around a few rounds, I'm going to go with you just generally being slow,

    And so we're killing 100 kds? How many have we got so far? More then a week you say? Its been just under 24 hrs.. Are 14 dead? (100/7 incase you're too slow) I think you might be a bit delusional.
    What I mean is Inferno an justice are being raped the hardest not Christmas. So must be nice. And that time frame requires ALL alliances. Christmas refuses to assist and keeps hitting ppl in our alliances.
  • They don't have to assist you they run their own alliance.
  • People keep playing because of the forums. If you kill this its bye bye sk
  • Hey all this funny chatting and i haven't really said anything...

    All i'm saying is this, lost 6+ kingdoms last 48 hours, just give me 48-72 to take care of the super aggressive bots then back to normal game play. Hurts us all, but everyone napping but christmas just makes the whole uni mad at christmas.

    I hate bot wars i rage about them to Ty and was hoping i wouldn't nap anyone this round but shit happens. I wanted to war this round and not die early but i'd rather not die by bots either
  • edited December 2012
    no scousers playing and the farms+moo are gone. Hmmmm
  • edited December 2012
    100 + more news... lol.. Starting to tickle :P

    You realized I was online when you missiled right?
  • 100 + more news... lol.. Starting to tickle :P

    You realized I was online when you missiled right?
    you are always online you macro user you
  • Zeal didnt you say you was hitting inacts like 10 mins before the tick and getting first hits

    There must be some food being created or that literally would be impossible.. before the guy made them inacts wer actually 0 land within 10 mins
  • It was a ome time occurence sadly. Those fuckers are shit land or dead in seconds on most ticks. You get the odd inac where nobody has wls i guesss. They dont even pop every hour.
  • I have only hit bots all round and just got hit by a christmas dw with 20k goons. I have only hit bots in my own sector out in gal 2 and have not been som'd once until now lol.

    Could be coincidence but meh :p
    That's why I disbanded I would have gotten that treatment too. It is just like I warned if people kept jocking that bot and following the Scouse it will become a ghost town just like S2 had become. All we do by signing up now is grow large food farms for bot users. You can't compete legit with high probe guys with tons of pop and banks on tap. Maybe some elitist could do a Fade strategy and spreadsheet other guys farms but that aint gaming.
  • I have only hit bots all round and just got hit by a christmas dw with 20k goons. I have only hit bots in my own sector out in gal 2 and have not been som'd once until now lol.

    Could be coincidence but meh :p
    That's why I disbanded I would have gotten that treatment too. It is just like I warned if people kept jocking that bot and following the Scouse it will become a ghost town just like S2 had become. All we do by signing up now is grow large food farms for bot users. You can't compete legit with high probe guys with tons of pop and banks on tap. Maybe some elitist could do a Fade strategy and spreadsheet other guys farms but that aint gaming.
    Lol that sounds a lot like Flazer.
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