This guy uses the same name every round. His list of achievements:
-currently a kt for ip interacting
-often multies with undeadkingdom and others
-pretty much always an antiturtle leaving newb
Can we just agree to kt him every round? Happens anyway so we may as well skip to the end.
I heard he's I.p shared another but where was the interaction ???
It just should be shared..
Hey scar can you remember when I was a officer with you in ACDC with back to black (bib). My name was STRIKE .
I left acdc after you back stabbed me lol. You probably won't remember..
Like I said on ip. I won't kill people with same ip as they may be brothers etc etc.however if they probe or hit the same kingdom in the same period then I agree that they can not be protected
I think they are a bigger problem
Second, I'm still in this round. I already told you that I didn't sui on you. I might be closer to you than you think.
Yeh his Name was scar he was a good war general