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Calling out YourPalMal and Dank!



  • edited November 2012
    I like this Qwj takeover it is a good example. He takes over after everyone tries to KT the Scouse. The guy that gives it to him stays on sk posting and trying to live through it. When I was younger we would tell kids at the arcade let me play that for you I will get you far. Any other game admin would ban this guy but no not SK. On SK he finishes first and attacking him results in a universal gang bang.

    Know why I fight these guys? I turned my back at first I let the crew do what they wanted. I knew it would rip it apart when I drew a line in the sand. A guy msgs me that he suicided on me because he did not realize FC worked with 2ndC. He said dank I expected it from everyone else but not you I quit go to hell etc. At that moment I pulled the car over, took the keys out of the UA's ignition and told everyone to get out. I do it for a random homie that likely quit and I can't even remember his name. I stopped signing on aim so I wouldn't have to deal with it and abandoned my contact list who were useless in this fight. All I know is he was right that aint me I can not conform. Just because I don't get much forum support doesn't mean every single person supports the Scouse. I am aware of this. When I say everyone I am just trolling.

    I stayed legit for a year and a half. People just make crap up and say I cheat. I realize if I had resources to assist that multi who attacked he would have won. People only abandoned Viva when they were gone or used up. Not saying he did that but this is how it works. Friends do as I say when I have a 12 pack with me no questions asked. They understand force. Maybe it is time for me to stop this legit thing it doesn't impress anyone it only makes me weak I wouldn't depend on anyone else. If Scouse can msg and flip most officer's and sector leader's alliances are useless to me. I just walk knowingly into these universal gang bangs.
    Dank i have been here a long time, you have been here just as long. Were talking +10 years and i can honestly say i have had alot of good rivalries and "enemies" and fights with people i dont particularly like, your just not one of them people. I have literally never, not once had a run in with you in game. I have never once even had you on my radar. Not once. So i really dont understand how you say you fight us? Seriously....

    Its like your the equivalent of a PF cheerleader for whoever opposes us, and whoever will try and kill us. Yet even the people you cheer for dont even ackowledge you, i mean does anyone, one single person take dank seriously? Hahahaha
  • Theres an easy, honest way of doing things... Id cheat if it amused me more but it doesnt, it takes more work. Making a single kd is easy as fuck, Login for a few seconds four times a day and youll be golden. A few minutes to find hits and youre better off than most.

    Most of the uni gangbangs ive been on the receiving end of, were coordinated by people who hate 2ndC. They make top KDs and die for it, we just play with groups of top30 KDs and die for it. Same shit different pile.

    Tl;dr remove your opinions on certain groups/players and just play for the fun of it
  • fuck he even made liam grace us with his presence and reply

    wer the fuck have you been fabio
  • on the sunbeds
  • edited November 2012
    You don't really bother me JonesL I could say the same about you. I'll point at the dead kingdoms I just left in my wake that mean nothing to you guys. Idiots fight abd due for you but you give them no props they aint UA or friend they do not count to you.
  • you could say the same about him but difference being you would be lying. Liam has done more than most on this game, You have done less than most. Big difference
  • Dank loves his ninja edit, You cant keep our names out of 99% of your posts Dank, its really sad. We never mention you unless its to abuse you some for being bottom of the barrel on this game. If you weren't so shit we wouldn't even know who you are.
  • edited November 2012
    Here is a fact the enemy lost a couple dozen kingdoms when I was the AL. Our side lost one kingdom myself unless you include a farmer that suicided.
  • as far as i can remember you have never successfully led any alliance on this game not one time, Nor have you ever built anything worth while or even been part of anything worth while. What else is there to achieve ? you personify the word failure
  • edited November 2012
    Exactly you guys do not even notice. Also I am on a small cell that results in tons of typos and takes forever to type. I am also not allowed to even bring a phone in this building they actually grab it from you and take it away until they hand you the pink slip.
  • id get checked out mate the paranoia is getting weird

    when you even think we run your own awful UA...then its time to get checked out
  • Worked on a rig like that. Even contractors had to hand in their phones while being on site.. the fuck is up with that?
  • edited November 2012
    Besides Viva every single person replying here is pro Scouse. Irony? I work for big brother if you did not know.
  • i think you will find most people in here have either . killed/helped kill/ wanted to kill us ingame and are certainly not pro scouse. We can all just agree on certain things. You being awful is one of them
  • My job itself is involved in conspiracies all day long. It is what we do.
  • Yeah Im gonna go ahead and say Im not pro scouse hahahah
  • Besides Viva every single person replying here is pro Scouse. Irony? I work for big brother if you did not know.
    well, i'll be honest with you....maybe it's a european thing, maybe its just a UK thing...but i have no idea what the hell scouse is so i don't know how i can be pro-scouse. dank, i read your posts and most times i get a good laugh at the constant conspiracy theories. other times, i'm just waiting for you to tie how lynog knows kevin bacon into all the rants...or maybe when aliens will land on the earth. eitherway, keep up the good work!
  • Zeal and I were in a UA for a couple of rounds to compete with 2ndC when it was an issue. it's not much of an issue anymore. Just play with your friends, you'll do fine. Last match I played the only UA that did anything was Illuminate
  • Zeal and I were in a UA for a couple of rounds to compete with 2ndC when it was an issue. it's not much of an issue anymore. Just play with your friends, you'll do fine. Last match I played the only UA that did anything was Illuminate
    they did? could of fooled me :P
  • They had control of three alliances that round. Was lol.
  • at least while I played.
  • Illuminate had players that were in control of alliances, though its hard to say if they would have helped eachother kill, say, Lynog or Flazer etcetc if he was in one of the alliances.
  • edited November 2012
    Besides Viva every single person replying here is pro Scouse. Irony? I work for big brother if you did not know.
    well, i'll be honest with you....maybe it's a european thing, maybe its just a UK thing...but i have no idea what the hell scouse is so i don't know how i can be pro-scouse. dank, i read your posts and most times i get a good laugh at the constant conspiracy theories. other times, i'm just waiting for you to tie how lynog knows kevin bacon into all the is that you rants...or maybe when aliens will land on the earth. eitherway, keep up the good work!
    See where do I ever even mention you? Like Zeality I have no idea who you are. I know you suck Lynog any chance you can though. You two are great at it.

    If people are upset that I call the Lynog ball swab brigade 2ndC I also call you fags, homos, queers, etc. That confuses people too I will work on it
  • Dank dont be angry you had the #1 and #2 alliance at one point fighting for you whilst you demanded i delete, only for me to reform and take it all from you. You cant win em all

    :-)) over 200 mill nw at your disposal and still couldnt affect my shit can one man be
  • I am not mad about anything that happened it was fun. You didn't beat me in a war Qwj. You cried non stop to everyone you could. That is UA crap but you can call it what you want.
  • Haha the simple fact that you think i am anything more than civil with lynog shows how retarded you are
  • I'm not talking about in the game I'm talking about you desire to come suck his tit in any thread that you can. I never even noticed you in the game before. I'm pretty damn lazy.
  • I call you a moron when you give him credit for shit my friends and I do hahah, dont be mad
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