xLTx - secretly running multis all over the place, their leader was sAviOr, the Korean SC player responsible for an illegal gambling ring that eventually got busted and outed 11 professional gamers. Current activity unknown.
Sephiroth - known for posting "I'M #1" over all the boards in every thread. Altered his sleep schedule to wake up and train troops/attack KDs at optimal times. Last seen on some corner in the UK panhandling next to one of those PC stations so that he can log in at optimal ticks and train/attack as necessary.
Angus - plays too much TF2. Actually cosplayed the medic despite being female. Currently a professional rock surveyor. I'm not kidding, she's a geologist, she gets paid to look at rocks. Where did the rest of us go wrong?
BotD - hates life and spends his spare time yelling at kids on the SK forums to get off of his lawn. Unfortunately, those kids don't listen, so BotD on occasion repeats said command then has a heart attack because he's old and probably comes close to dying.
campco - pretends that SK still matters and bugs BotD every fucking round about playing. No, quit bothering me, I don't want to play this shitty game ever again. Knock it off.
dank - no one knows why he's still here. Even dank doesn't know why he's still here. Maybe BCart pays him to stick around and multi every round so someone has something to crusade against. I don't know. It probably isn't a fulfilling life.
Darubian - get the fuck out. You have a life. Give it up.
Elegy - greatest SK member to play the game. The man realized this piece of shit game/site isn't worth his time and he got out before it got bad. His stomach is made of muscle. I know this, because myself and a couple friends who are WAY stronger than I punched him full force in the stomach at his request, and he laughed at us. If you piss him off, may God have mercy on your soul.
I forgot a lot of people. Feel free to add to the list. Also, get off of my lawn.
Then whines like a bitch in the PF's about it, all whilst proclaiming how great he is when he's a pretty average player.
And obviously he'll use that same "Aha! I was hiding as someone else" BS excuse that fools the masses as usual. Well, most of the remaining 12 SK players anyway.
And I haven't seen you or FC do sh!t since Ice and EoD played so...
Dank, if you really wanna prove your the boss why not run 500 bots named dank and really toss the server for once? And we archived all of Kesha's 500 ips his bots use and most the ips of the "controllers" who ran em so I will know who used em within reasonable doubt ofc( some people are better at hiding it then others) and then you can rant about w/e you like. But in the last 10 years I haven't seen you make more then 20 multis and you only bum rush ppl outta noob. You don't archive anything and your only witness's are your UA mates? LoL
What a fucking trollfest.
all u faggots sure know how to kill a thread
especially john with his retarded 500 word posts nobody gives a fuck about LOL
Took HG how long to figure out pussy was better than starkingdoms?