Nuff said..
But since I'm stopping in I gotta talk shit.
Lmao off at Tynoobsis and Flaznoob still trying there hardest to fck with my peeps and getting stomped time after time... C'mon I mean this is the second time they took on LG and both times any alliance they had before or after there little tantrum didn't last 24 hrs... Moral of the story? 619 > Both of em.
LoL at farming noise... Who has never hit a suicider/disbanded?
I'm gonna play some next round so whoever is using Kesha's bot should make me some competition :P
C) I think it might have actually been Tyrsis who attempted the LT argument, I just don't quite remember convincingly.
C) It's Flazer and the argument is actually very compelling and if you were to actually read through it, it makes complete sense... The biggest downfall is people thinking cause you're all LTs, you have shit defense.
It would have been better if you were trolling... Sorry man
What a huge cunt
Oh, let me get this straight - hammering dank about smoking meth despite the drug having personally affected two people very close to him is ok (in fact, BORING), but calling someone's child ugly after he ASKS ME TO TROLL is disgusting, pitiable, and worthy of the greatest condemnation.
Fine guys, I went too far. Next time I need to adjust my moral center, I'll certainly come to the SK PFs.
@ Lynog : Grammer is overrated anyhow.
@ The dead guy poking at pies kid : I'm gonna cut ur heart with a spoon next round too. And pies kid had an accident u twit, plus dank tweaks out so much what u expect ppl to say about him never mind that its true.
@ Pie : I'm in ur old sector... It's like I could smell hatetank or sum thin. PS, the fck is a laser trooper/dragoon?
honestly, does your child even have a sense of ugliness or what it even means? The only person who could possibly take offense to such words is you, and getting upset about it means that you let something become overdramatic
we arent girls people, this is no soap opera
is that a vagina on your chin?
nonce alert