Star Kingdoms: Universal Domination is Imminent, My Friend.
Star Kingdoms - Game Rules

Account Managing:

You are only allowed to create one account per person. Account sharing or exchanging is not allowed. As the owner of the account you must be the only one that logs into it. You may not get another person to watch over your account. Deleting and remaking an account to get on a certain sector is not allowed. The use of login scripts is prohibited, a human must always be the one logging in and managing the account. Any violations of the account managing will result in immediate termination of the account(s) involved.

Suiciding is not allowed if anyone of your contacts is going to take the land from you. This is now defined as account sharing (Letting a contact know you suicided). Any account involved in the illegal suicide will be disabled without warning.


Game Administer or Moderator imitation is not allowed. Those caught will be disabled or suspended.

Language and Fair Play:

There will be no offensive or disrespectful language or attitudes allowed. This game is for everyone of every age. Anyone caught using offensive or disrespectful language will be terminated.

This area also applies to the in-game logos. Logos must remain suitable for all people of any age. This means no sex, porn, drugs, racism, or any other offensive material images will be allowed.


Under no circumstance are you to use the Star Kingdoms game to retrieve private or personal information. If anyone asks you for private or personal information report them and they will be terminated.

Abusing Game:

Abusing any bug in Star Kingdoms is considered cheating. Abusing any game bug or function will result in immediate termination.

Thank you for following these rules and helping make Star Kingdoms a better game.

The universe is now at war.
Stardate: 12861.51369
Gregorian: March 14, 2025 - 05:19:43
Players Online: 2